Internet Connectivity Sourcing Save time. We find the best bandwidth in your market.

Finding the best package and terms
Internet, Phone and Cable Package Search
CodeBlue will find the package, plan and term that best suits your needs.
Project Management for Install
CodeBlue provides project management for bandwidth services requiring construction. By keeping the pace of cabling and turn-up high, CodeBlue helps partners hit their open dates ahead of schedule.
3 Benefits for Partners
Optimized Bandwidth Solutions:
CodeBlue analyzes your unique business needs to deliver bandwidth solutions that maximize speed, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Our sourcing allows for your business to grow, on-net with your customers and more affordably than through a retail bandwidth provider.
Seamless Vendor Negotiation:
CodeBlue will work to negotiate package pricing, terms and installation, securing the best possible terms and rates with top-tier providers on your behalf.
Proactive Contract & Renewal Support:
CodeBlue works with your bandwidth provider to co-terminate added services and make use of available packages to get the best renewal rate possible.